Sunday, January 5, 2020

Marketing and Question - 1102 Words

Question 1 List and briefly explain the external or macro-environmental forces indicating how each element can affect the ability of the organisation to compete in the market. External Environment (Chapter 3) Question 2 Differentiate between the core product, the actual product, and the augmented product as these concepts apply in the motorcar industry. Product (Chapter 8) Question 3 Draw a product life cycle diagram showing the sales and the profit changes that occur over a typical product life cycle. Briefly explain the typical marketing mix variables that occur in each stage. Provide an example of a product or service that you feel reflect each stage of the product life cycle and justify your reasoning. New Product†¦show more content†¦Explain how classifying consumer goods might assist in the development of an effective promotional mix. Question 15 Why is it important for organisations to segment their market? Discuss the processes involved in selecting a target market. Question 16 List and discuss the characteristics of business-to-business marketing. How does the buying business buying decision process differ from the consumer buying decision process? Question 17 In what circumstances would companies introduce new products using a marketingskimming pricing strategy and a market penetration pricing strategy? Explain each approach providing examples to demonstrate your understanding. Question 18 Not all marketing channels are suitable for all products or for all businesses. Identify the four ‘common’ marketing channels for a consumer product and describe the advantages and disadvantages for each pathway. Question 19 List and explain the key criteria used by organisation’s to select the promotional mix elements. Identify two main advantages and disadvantages of using each of the following mediums: magazines, TV, newspapers, radio, direct mail, outdoor advertising and the internet. Question 20 In market research terms, what is meant by primary and secondary data. Provide examples to demonstrate your understanding. Summarise the main advantages and limitations of using mail,Show MoreRelatedmarketing questions13877 Words   |  56 Pagesanswers the question.    ____  Ã‚  Ã‚   1.  Ã‚   An interactive, flexible information system that enables managers to obtain and manipulate information as they are making decisions is called a: a. single-source system b. marketing information system c. primary data system d. marketing decision support system e. database marketing system       ____  Ã‚  Ã‚   2.  Ã‚   The function of _____ is to address what if questions. It entails planning, collecting, and analyzing data relevant to marketing decision makingRead MoreMarketing Questions1574 Words   |  7 Pagescustomer relationships. a. Management b. Control c. Marketing d. Human Resources D5. 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